
What is a High Efficiency Green Eco-Friendly Submersible Pump?

Today's high efficiency and ultra-high efficiency submersible pumps offer superior performance and significant water and energy savings. Justin Castleman, licensed master plumber and owner of Castleman & Sons Plumbing Inc., Franklin, Wisconsin is a pioneer, partner and leading expert in the installa ....

How to Replace a Leaky Well Tank by Castleman & Sons Plumbing Inc.

A well tank maintains the pressure for your entire home's water system. When it fails, or if it begins to leak, its time to act fast. Castleman & Sons Plumbing offers new fiber wound well tanks, eliminating rust-through failures that occur with the older epoxy-lined units. See how this new installat ....

How to Treat and Eliminate Tree Roots In Your Sewer

Tree roots can wreak havoc on sewer pipes and systems. A video inspection, by Castleman & Sons Plumbing Inc. (414) 425-5797 & www.castlemanplumbing.com, will reveal "the root issues" of your system's condition. See how the state-of-the art video camera records your sewer's condition for analysis and ....
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